Enterprise Data Governance

Enterprise Data Governance

Data Governance defines the policies and guidelines—for people, processes and technologies—required to protect, use and manage enterprise data resources and assets. It provides the overarching strategic framework and direction under which all processes managing enterprise data through its life-cycle stages should operate.

Enterprise Data Life-cycle Stages

Enterprise Data Life-Cycle Stages

Alignment With DAMA International's DMBoK Knowledge Areas

While unifying and automating data collection, transformation, integration and dimensional modeling processes, our solutions address all 10 knowledge areas identified by the DAMA-DMBoK (Data Management Body of Knowledge) as overseen and controlled through Data Governance.

DAMA-DMBoK Knowledge Areas

DAMA-DMBoK Knowledge Areas

More specifically, our solutions provide:

  • Open data architectures that can be easily integrated with other enterprise data architectures, including data meshes and fabrics
  • Automated data modeling that is proof-tested and easily adaptable to fit any particular functionality or scalability needs
  • Data storage in structured repositories that can be managed centrally and deployed on-premise or in a cloud
  • Modern encryption, role-based security and near real-time automated compliance measurement that enable privacy, confidentiality, appropriate access rights and data compliance with policies, laws and regulations
  • Automated data acquisition, collection, transformation, integration, delivery, historization, versioning, replication, federation and virtualization
  • Retrieval of data from unstructured sources such as documents and content, and making this data available for automated integration with structured data
  • Standardization of the definition, location and use of data to reduce redundancy and improve quality and auditability
  • Ability to use information visualization tools and machine-learning libraries that best fit needs, skills and budgets
  • Preservation of a centralized metadata catalog for better auditability and traceability of data
  • Optional use of integrated transcoding preprocesses for standardization to ensure the required data quality

Clarify, Implement, Measure and Continuously Improve

Almost all companies already have some form of formal or informal data governance in place, at the application, department, business unit or entire enterprise level. The flexibility to satisfy, as well as the opportunity to enhance established data governance ensures our solutions not only integrate with existing policies and guidelines but also help clarify, implement, measure and improve compliance with governance rules. Moreover, adaptive automation and AI capabilities can enable prediction and preemptive correction of non-compliance.

Next Step

Contact us now to find out how BrightQuadrant can help you implement and monitor your data governance program through an optimal combination of our professional consulting services and innovative software products.


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